09 December 2011

Off to Tainan

We're off to Tainan today via Taiwan's High Speed Rail service. The service starts at Taipei's main station and takes about an hour and 40 mins to cover a distance of 260 km. While we were there a new shopping centre was being opened in the terminal. Such is the favourite Asian pastime.

The departure setup is pretty much like an aircraft terminal, with indicator boards and a waiting lounge with the obligatory 7-11 stand selling papers, drinks and snacks.
These trains can reach up to 300+ km/h, although with a few stops in between the trip takes much longer than you'd expect. It still beats the normal service which can take up to 5 hours.
Seats are spacious, if a little hard, but can recline to a comfy angle. There is an on board speedo like on Japanese trains, and is currently showing 289 km/h. So this has definitely got to be my fastest blog post ever (posted live on board via the miracles of mobile data).

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